
Release 2.0.13

Minor improvements and bug fixes, new anomaly reporting and issue handling for serverless components in internal alpha preview, and more...

Internal Preview

  • anomaly-functions: adds anomaly cloud function for better issue handling in serverless components (internal preview)


  • core-api: improvements in postback handling configurations for pub/sub
  • hooks-api: improvements in rabbitmq concurrent message handling configurations
  • lydians-functions: better logs and issue handling in the accounting actions
  • lydians-functions: migrates persistence information from redis to cloud datastore for improved scalability


  • core-api: fixes banking account and branch number validation on wallet withdraw
  • cdt-provider-api: fixes issue handling in card postback
  • cdt-provider-api: fixes user agent fingerprint information sharing with custody provider
  • jd-mq-adapter: fixes ordering and remove empty tags of outgoing messages