
Announcing Core 2.1.0

A new platform release is now available, bringing you a improved banking provider, with faster cash-in and cash-out handling times, new tools to help you track and improve consumer onboarding and more ways to keep your operation secure and compliant with BACEN regulatory reports.

Parati Provider (Beta)

After a successfuly closed alpha version in the v2.x release, we're pleased to announce that the open beta version of the Parati Financeira provider will be available starting at v2.1.x version for selected Mediators in the next weeks, and gradually rollout for all eligible instances until the end of the month. This was the most anticipated feature of the platform since the v1.x release branch, with a lot of relevant improvements in the current API structures.

The consumer onboarding has new optional fields that ensures better compliance when higher operational limits are requested by the end user, as well as helping us prevent money laundering and other kinds of frauds. Most of the financial operations had none or only optional interface impacts, with special attention for the Transaction History responses from Deposits (TED-in) and Withdrawal (TED-out) operations, where we introduced more information that comes directly from the BACEN Network.

More information about the migration steps is available at a specific section in the end of this document.

Whitelabel Services

To simplify the communication with our APIs when there is multiple domains with different set of rules, it is now possible to manage multiple domains with a single Mediator set of credentials. This is specially helpful for Whitelabel Operations, where there are different branding for different sets of end-users.

All Mediator credential changes should be requested in the Help Center and are subject of compliance and legal approval, always respecting the terms agreed upon the instance signup and deployment.

External and Custom Services

We also introduced enterprise solutions for External Card Authorizations, External Boleto Providers and a new experimental Authorization API with a high performance architecture, that enables external partners to integrate safely with the platform Wallet, and even in the stricter Card authorization processing guidelines, deliver a authorization response in the expected time.

Metrics Preview

In the v2.1.x release we introduce the first metrics endpoints in the API available for the Mediators. Starting with simple counters to track consumer onboarding stages, transaction execution pipeline stages and wallet registration pipeline stages.

As a ongoing business intelligence initiative, we'll be introducing more metrics in following releases, with detailed analytics and real time tracking of the platform operation and all its ramifications.


The CCS (Cadastro de Clientes do Sistema) is a regulatory report required to be sent to the BACEN by some kinds of financial institutions in Brazil, with consumer onboarding information as well as account deletions reports. It is sent daily, and now can be handling by the Bit Capital Platform, with its new internal module. It's currently in closed alpha preview and will be available for more Mediators in the following weeks.

Migration Guide

To request further information and schedule a new module activation in your instance, contact us at the Help Center.