JUMP TOCoreAPI for PIX (ALPHA)spiTransfer money to External BankpostTransfer money from Settlement Acoount to an Instant Payment AccountpostTransfer money from an Instant Payment Account to a settlement account held by a STR participantpostRefund a TransactionpostGet a wallet's external balancegetRequest a external statementpostRetrieve external statement informationsgetRetrieve transaction informations from the providergetSend a Message Manually to SPIpostSend a SPI MessagepostbrcodeEmit a Static QR CodegetEmit dynamic (instant) or static QR CodespostValidate a QR CodepostPay a QR CodepostGet QRCode by idgetEmit a Dynamic QR Code with due datepostGet a Dynamic QR Code with due date by its transaction idgetdictFind a key's informationsgetCreate a new claimpostRegister a Wallet in DICTpostList a wallet KeysgetList internal keys of the systemgetRetrieve a consumer's registered keysgetChange a wallet's existing key informationsputDelete a wallet's existing keydeleteCreate an infractionpostGet User Statistics InfractiongetGet refund requestsgetCreate a refund requestpostGet a refund requestgetCancel a refund requestpostClose a refund requestpostclaimsFind claimsgetGet Claim by IdgetAcknowledge ClaimpostCancel ClaimpostConfirm ClaimpostComplete ClaimpostRegister a claim to a walletpostbtcoreGet a transaction's informationsgetinfractionsReport a new infraction from a transactionpostAcknowledge an InfractionpostClose an InfractionpostList all infractionsgetGet info from an infractiongetCancel an infractionpostaccountsCreate an account in DICTpostAppend an account state in DICTpostGet all account states in DICTgetstates/qrcode/cancelCancel a Qrcodepostauth-service APILoginAuthenticatepostpix-cobKeysLista as chavesgetQR CodesCria um QR CodepostBusca um QR Code por IDgetTransactionsRequisita um saquepostRequisita um estorno com filtrospostBusca o detalhe de uma transação do PIXgetPesquisa detalhes de transações do PIXgetDICTBusca uma chave no DICTgetChecar chavespostwallet-service APIWalletCreate a new WalletpostGet a Wallet by idgetGet a Wallet BalancegetCreate current day statement requestpostCreate statement requestpostDownload statementgetClientget wallets by clientgetp2p-service APIP2PCreate register P2PpostSTR - Legado/withdrawRequest a w"ithdraw.post/credit-portabilitycredit-portability (STR00047)post/sync-balanceSync Balance (STR00013)poststr-service APITed (STR00008, STR00006)Request TED OutpostTed (STR00007, STR00004) no walletRequest Ted Out for financial institutionpostTed (STR00007) with walletRequest Ted Out for financial institutionpostLpiRequest LPI for transfer founds RB/CL - PI, PI - RB/CLpostCreditPortability/credit-portability/{walletId}/tedpostJudicialDeposit/wallets/{walletId}/judicial-depositpostTransactions/transactionsgetRequest response transactiongetRequest to resend transactions to notification servicepostRequest transaction inquirypostRetrieve transaction inquirygetopen-finance APITPP Payments - Phase 3Criação do Consentimento de PagamentopostListagem dos Consentimentos de PagamentogetListagem das iniciações de PagamentogetCriação da Iniciação de PagamentopostConsulta da Iniciação de PagamentogetConsulta do Consentimento de PagamentogetTPP - Third Party Provider - Instituição iniciadora de transação de pagamentoConsulta de dados de uma organização específica do Open FinancegetListagem das organizações participantes do Open FinancegetPix boletoOperationsGenerate a new qr codepostRealizes refundpostReprocess a paymentpostHealthcheckGet healthcheckgetPowered by Register a claim to a walletpost https://nightly-pix.btcore.app/wallets/{id}/claimsRegisters a claim to a key having an wallet as it's destination