Transaction History

How to check out a user's bank statement

In this section we describe a little more about how to work with a user's transaction history, also known as its "bank statement". he platform handles all types of payments as transactions and we recommend using the GET /wallets/:id/payments request to show a user's bank statement.

Although available in the API, we don't recommend using the GET /wallets/:id/transactions because it's more related with the blockchain state transactions (purely technical data) that it is of the user's financial transactions (payments, deposits, etc) and can generate confusion for the consumers.

Types of Payments

In a bank statement you should treat every type of payment in a certain way, for that here we explain a little more about each type of payment

Payment TypeDescription
withdrawal(debit) A payment that sends a certain token to an external bank. Most common for bank transfers(External bank transfers (TED) ).
deposit(credit) A payment that represents a deposit(Handling Deposits) that came from an external bank to the wallet.
boleto(debit) Represents a boleto payment from the source account
card(debit) Represents a card transaction for a card associated with the wallet.
authorized_card(debit) Represents the same as card but focused on external authorizers.
If this transaction is seen from the transitory account perspective, thats a credit.
authorized_card_reversal(credit) Represents a reversal of a authorized_card transanction, focused on external authorizers.
If this transaction is seen from the transitory account perspective, thats a debit.
transaction_reversal(credit) Generic reversal of another transaction sent previously. The original transaction's hash is sent in this transaction.
manual_adjustment(credit/debit) Can either be a credit or debit, focused of operators to manually adjust a wallet's balance.
transfer(credit/debit) Can either be a credit or a debit depending on the source and destination accounts. Represents a P2P transfer.
service_fee(debit) Represents a billing fee to that specific wallet. Usually comes with another payment which represents the service consumed.
If this transaction is seen from the transitory account perspective, thats a credit.