Conciliation and VSync

2.4. Reconcilement

Reconcilement allows the participant to identify inconsistencies in the links of its internal database and DICT. It’s possible to do an aggregated verification, besides all the links set, and the verification of an individual link.

To allow the reconcilement to be done efficiently and safely, all the operations done with a link generate a content identifier, or CID. CID is a 256 bits number that identifies uniquely the link and all of its essential attributes (verify section about CID calculus). Modification of the link’s essential data imply in the modification of its associated CID.

The aggregated verification of the links is made based on the sync verifier (VSync). The participant can measure the equality of the links set at its domain generating the VSync (verify section about VSync calculus) of its base and creating a sync verification. The equality of VSyncs, DICT and PSP implies, with very high probability, that the CIDs set is equal. In case the VSyncs are different, the CIDs set is necessarily different, which means that there are divergences in the data and links sets at that moment.
When identifying divergences, PSP may consult at CID, change, remove or create links.