The Directory of Transactional Accounts Identifiers – DICT- is the part of the PIX platform that centralizes and unifies the participants in BCB, allowing that, though one of the keys chosen by the receiving part, it is possible to find the transactional accounts details, making the structure more convenient to who performs a payment.

2.1. Keys

Between the current available key types are CPF, CNPJ, telephone number, e-mail and EVP. The information returned by DICT allows the payer to confirm the identity of the receiver, providing a more friendly and safe experience. Also allows the PSP of the payer to create a payment instruction message to be sent to the settlement system with the details of the receiver’s account.

  • Telephone Number
  • E-mail
  • EVP (Payment Virtual Addressing) it will be a hexadecimal number with 32 characters randomly generated.


  • Maximum of 5 keys per account;
  • Do not use the same key for 2 or more accounts.