Custom plastic card design
To setup a new physical card design for printing and delivery, you need to request the Product Questionnaire for each product you want to submit for approval. The questionnaire is used to determine whether the product is acceptable and what approvals will be required during the process. If the product successfully passes all required testing and requirements, Visa issues a Letter of
Approval (for card products) or Letter of Compliance (for stickers and non-card products).
Important design considerations
You can use your brand in the card as long as:
- You have legal ownership over the name, logo and all graphics used in your design;
- You don't use any offensive language or graphics in your design;
- Your don't use any political or religious references in your design;
- VISA logo positioning, size or visibility is not affected by your design;
- You don't mention any unregulated asset (such as cryptocurrencies) in the card design;
- You identify the card holder and the card informations (chip, card number, etc) properly;
Updated almost 5 years ago
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