Compliance and Limits

Controlling how your users spend their money

In this section we describe a little more about the user limits system. The first thing we need to say is that we have two big distinctions depending on the type of product you use:

  • If you use SaaS, you can control your user's limits on your own using APIs to have more control of your operation

  • If you use BaaS, you have pre-determined global limits determined by our compliance team and it can be increased or decreased by request in our service desk.

Types of Limits

We have two ways of configuring limits:

  • Global Limits: They are defined in the domain settings and is the default to every user created within this domain.

  • User Limits: They are overwritten limits to a specific user that needs a limit that is not the Global one.

And for each limit we setup, it must have a type, that is which event do you want to track, here are the accepted ones:

num_cards_activeTotal number of active cards a user can have.
num_boletos_per_dayNumber of boleto emissions allowed per day
sum_boletos_current_daySum of boleto emissions amount allowed in the current day
sum_boletos_last_24hoursSum of boleto emissions amoount allowed in the last 24 hours
transaction_sum_current_dayTotal volume allowed to be transacted in the current day
transaction_sum_current_weekTotal volume allowed to be transacted in the current week
transaction_sum_current_monthTotal volume allowed to be transacted in the current month
received_current_dayTotal volume allowed to be received in the current day
received_current_weekTotal volume allowed to be received in the current week
received_current_monthTotal volume allowed to be received in the current month
mobile_credit_sum_current_dayTotal volume allowed to be used in mobile phone recharges in the current day

Fetching limits for a consumer

To see the limits configured to a user, you need to make a request like this:

curl --location --request GET ''

For more informations check out the API reference.

Updating consumer limits

If you need to change a specific limit to a specific user you can make a request and define it only to him:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"value": 5

For more informations check out the API reference.

Updating domain limits


Restricted feature

This feature is only available for the SaaS product.

If you need to change the limits from all of the users, you can do that using the update domain settings endpoint, but remeber, if you have setup a User Limit, it will overwrite this new limit. If you want to delete a UserLimit you need to explicitly call the DELETE Limit.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer a858c09ad4345214bfe782eb3ce371a59081c703' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '[
        "type": "total_active_cards",
        "value": 3