Company Partner

The interface for the Partner of a company account.



addresses: AddressSchema[]

The partner addresses for verification.

Optional birthCountry

birthCountry? : string

The two-chars ISO Code of the country this partner was born, if typed as personal.

example BR - Brazil


birthDate: Date

The partner birthday. If the partner type is corporate this is not required.

Format: ISO-8601

Optional companyData

companyData? : CompanyDataSchema

The partner company data, if typed as corporate.


email: string

The partner main contact email.

Optional gender

gender? : Gender

The gender of the partner, required for personal typed partners. For corporate accounts, this is not required.


isPep: boolean

The self-declaration of political exposure for this partner.

Optional maritalStatus

maritalStatus? : MaritalStatusEnum

The partner marital status. If the partner type is corporate this is not required.

Optional motherName

motherName? : string

The mother name of the partner, required for personal typed partners. For corporate accounts, this is not required.


name: string

The full name of the partner, as stated in the documents that are going to be uploaded.

Optional occupation

occupation? : string

The occupation of this partner, available for personal typed partners but not required.


phones: PhoneSchema[]

The partner phones for verification.


profile: IndividualPartnerProfile

The profile of this individual partner, as stated in the company registration

Optional revenue

revenue? : number

The last anual revenue of the company, as reported with authorities.


taxId: string

The partner tax id.


type: AccountType

The type of the partner in this company, based on his tax id.