User Management
When you sign up for a Bit Capital Enterprise Account you'll be able to create and manage your own Domain, to add your customers and operate in their Wallets over the API.
Mediator Accounts
Every domain has a Mediator account assigned to it, with a Wallet capable of all financial transactions of a Company digital account.
It has also access to the Account management of all its Customers, designed as "sub-accounts" of the mediator's domain.
To get started you'll need a valid set of Mediator credentials. Then you can checkout the guide on authenticating using OAuth 2.0 with Mediator Credentials
Consumer Accounts
The accounts for the end-user of the platform, that is hiring the financial services provided by the Mediator through Bit Capital APIs.
To create Consumers in your domain you can follow the Identity Verification guide. Then checkout the guide on authenticating using OAuth 2.0 with Consumer Credentials
Updated over 5 years ago